Wednesday, September 19, 2007

You Will Love BlogRush


You need to get in now before it hits saturation point.
The service is entirely f.ree so what have you got to

Watch the video and then sign up -

The sooner you get in, the more traffic you can pull
to your Blog and the more clicks, sales or leads you
will generate.

The service only went live on Saturday and I have it
running on just one Blog. This is a Blog I do little with
and it gets little traffic as I just don't have the time
to promote it.

So it was ideal for testing the service. ;)

It's gone from 54 page views a day to 130 and the viral
side of things hasn't even kicked in fully yet.

You'll kick yourself if you miss this boat. ;)

For a simple explanation of how the credits are
are used watch the video on the site.

Remember if you can find some high traffic Blogs
outside of the Net M.arketing niche (simply because
they will not have heard of this service yet) and convince
them to sign up you could easily tap into their traffic.

You could find a Blog with 10,000 visitors a day
and convince them to sign up. That's going to
give you 10,000 credits a day!!

Just think about what that would mean to your bottom line. ;)

Sign up now -

Watch the video for a simple explanation of how this
whole system works and benefits you.

warm regards,

Meg McNeal

The Secret Seed- The Acai Berry

I have started drinking MonaVie and I will be posting my results and my family results here.
So far my headaches are gone. My sinus problems have cleared up and the pain in my shoulder and neck are better. The pain in my stomach is still there, but it does hurt.